Missionary Fundraising | A Theology of Fundraising

Missionary Fundraising doesn’t seem very spiritual. In fact, it almost seems the opposite of that, right? Do we even see fundraising in the Bible?

In this article, Pastor, Jay Beerley talks about the theology of missionary fundraising.

In this article, pastor Jay gives you 3 incredibly important things to remember on your missionary fundraising journey. This will help to change your perspective in a way that glorifies the Lord when you are fundraising.

We hope this is a resource that blesses and encourages you.

A Theology of Missionary Fundraising

Here are 3 incredibly important things to remember on your missionary fundraising journey.

  1. There’s Biblical Truth in Fundraising

I get it: as a missionary fundraising, asking for money seems like the least spiritual thing you can do. 

I mean, shouldn’t we just get on our knees and ask God for the money and then walk out to the mailbox and receive the Holy Spirit check in the mailbox? 

Well, let’s be honest, I’m sure God’s got ACH set up by now.

When it comes to missionary fundraising, the reality is there are great biblical truths that are present when we ask for resources to do missions. 

So, let’s start there: the theology of asking. 

The Bible makes it clear that our first ask is always to our loving heavenly Father. Jesus, in the sermon on the mount, tells us in Matthew 7 that 

“Which one of you, if his son asks him for bread, will give him a stone?

Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a serpent? 

If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, 

how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things

to those who ask him!”

2. Asking Shows Dependency on God

When thinking about missionary fundraising, we must remember that asking is a good thing. It shows a sign of dependence, which is right where God wants his children to be. And God is good, full of knowledge and wisdom and love. 

So, he receives our requests in that spirit and guides us to where he wants us. If you are a missionary fundraising, here is what that means: if God doesn’t want you on that mission field, you’re not going.

But, asking God is not the awkward part for a lot of us. It’s asking the people who have money (but remember, it’s not theirs to begin with, it’s God’s.)

In order to have a biblical view of missionary fundraising, you need to transform the way you think about that “ask.” 

Think of it this way: in that moment, you are not the receiver, but the giver.

“Say what?” 

Sure, you want to receive money. But literally every dime on the planet belongs to the Lord, and he can do what he pleases. So, the goal is to become a giver. 

3. Fundraising Opens a Door

When you give to a missionary fundraising, what you are giving is a ministry opportunity to those who want to participate in missions but are not going to the field, for one reason or another.

I know you want to have faith in God to fund your missionary fundraising efforts. What he is asking of you is to be a vessel for someone else’s obedience to participate in God’s work in your backyard to the ends of the earth. 

Missionary fundraising is opening the door. 

What the School of Mission is doing is taking that approach from what Paul had to do (traveling from town to town telling people about his work and the needs of the church back in Jerusalem) to utilizing modern techniques so that more and more people might receive the blessing from you to participate in gospel ministry. 

People can’t participate in what they don't know about. And they won’t know if no one tells them. 

God wants you to transform your missionary fundraising efforts to look more like how Paul talks about the church: everyone doing their part. 

There are people God has blessed with resources so that they may fund His work to plant churches, minister to college students, and take the gospel to unreached people groups.

You can be a part of taking that opportunity to them, as you then take the gospel to the world.

We hope this resource provided encouragement for you on your missionary fundraising Journey. If you want to hear more from Pastor Jay, check out his sermons on Cross Fellowship Church’s website.

Modern Missionary Fundraising Course

Check out our course, Modern Fundraising for Missionaries, where we teach missionary fundraising in a digital age, using digital tools.

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